Roberto Chiappiniello, PhD

Dr. Roberto Chiappiniello is a research contributor to an international Digital Humanities project called DICES, focusing on direct speeches in Greek and Latin epic poems. This collaborative effort involves the Universities of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Rostock (Germany), and Mount Allison (Canada). Additionally, he serves as the Head of Classics at Downside School, a private institution in England.

Dr. Chiappiniello earned his BA and MA degrees from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’ (Italy) and completed his Ph.D. in classical philology at the University of Manchester (UK). His doctoral dissertation, published by De Gruyter in 2023, offers a critical edition and textual commentary of a late Latin poem, the Epigramma Paulini.

His research interests extend to various topics, including late Latin poetry, ancient epic (specifically Homer and Vergil), and the reception of classical myths in twentieth-century Italian literature. Dr. Chiappiniello’s teaching philosophy emphasizes the integration of Digital Humanities into the educational process, promoting deep understanding and critical thinking. By incorporating digital tools, he aims to foster collaboration and participation within a learning community.

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