GIRES-GLOBAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH, EDUCATION & SCHOLARSHIP is an international, non-profit, non-governmental, independent institution that aims at building a cohesive environment for scholarly and personal expression. Inclusivity and cultural competency are the cornerstones of a true participatory democracy, and by extension, a fundamental priority for the institute.
All guests, presenters, speakers and those who attend as audience and all members of GIRES either participate in any of the activities of the institute or represent it anywhere in the world, it is obligatory to comply with our code of conduct, code of ethics along with our non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy.
In detail, the members of GIRES-the Global Institute for Research, Education & Scholarship and all those who participate in any of its activities (physical and/or virtual), in any country, shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender identity, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status and/or sexual orientation.
GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship reserves every right to deny access and/or revoke access to its activities and/or exclude individual participants and/or private and/or public organizations and companies, academic institutions and similar legal entities that act as participants or their representatives that have been offensive to and/or depreciating GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship itself and/or its members without proof of misbehavior or/and mistreatment from GIRES or its members against the aforementioned types of participants. GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship has zero tolerance against any kind of misbehavior, mistreatment, depreciation either coming from its members to the participants and/or from the participants to GIRES members or GIRES itself. Participants from any of the aforementioned categories (not limited to) if violate the CODE of CONDUCT are not entitled to receive refund (partial or full) of any fee charged by GIRES to them for their participation in GIRES’ activities. GIRES takes responsibility and is accountable for the behaviour of the members that represent it, solely in the activities organized by GIRES and individuals who are legally bonded with GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship. GIRES is not accountable for its members behavior in their private or rest of professional life outside of the activities of GIRES. However, GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship has every right to ban any of it members that have violated in any way the CODE of CONDUCT of GIRES-Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship. GIRES is dedicated and will protect its reputation and honor, in any way possible, the values of the CODE of CONDUCT.
Sexual harassment or any other unwelcome sexual advances are also prohibited. This policy forbids harassment based on gender regardless of whether the offensive conduct is sexual in nature and regardless of whether it rises to the level of a legal violation. Any unwelcome conduct based on gender is also forbidden by this policy regardless of whether the individual engaged in harassment and the individual being harassed are of the same or are of different genders. Additionally, GIRES does not tolerate offensive or disturbing actions either physical, verbal or written, which violate its values for equal treatment and does not respect GIRES’ employees that are connected to comments, actions that put pressure on/challenge/disrespect/violate/question their working hours, ability to facilitate responses, actions and requests and also comments on the effectiveness, pace and quality of their work. GIRES respects its employees working rights, hours and personal life and anyone, member and/or guest, whose requests suggest that these rights should be violated in any way and puts pressure on the ways that GIRES employees work will be banned from GIRES. GIRES wishes offers a welcoming, respectful and safe working environment and any other attempt to violate these rights is consider a violation of GIRES’ Code of Conduct.
Examples of harassment (not limited solely to these cases) are: (1) offensive sex-oriented verbal kidding, teasing or jokes; (2) repeated unwanted sexual flirtations, advances or propositions; (3) verbal abuse of a sexual or any other nature; (4) graphic or degrading comments about an individual’s appearance or sexual activity; (5) offensive visual conduct, including leering, making sexual gestures, the display of offensive sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or posters; (6) unwelcome pressure for sexual activity; (7) offensively suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations; or (8) offensive physical contact such as patting, grabbing, pinching, or brushing against another’s body.
Similarly, actions that imply offense or disrespect or any kind (even if they are not written or/and expressed in impolite or offensive language) to GIRES team then GIRES will consider this a violation of its codes and practices and GIRES has the right to act accordingly.
We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, volunteers and participants. Any discrimination will have zero tolerance, GIRES will take affirmative action measures and the members, volunteers, staff, audience, and/or participants that will violate any of the above and will not respect our values and code of conduct, code of ethics along with our non-discrimination and anti-harassment policy, will be banned for life from GIRES, the Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and its activities and if the leadership of the institute decides that it is necessary, relevant authorities will be contacted and all legal measures will be taken according to the law.
Updated June 2024