Riaan Eksteen, PhD
Riaan Eksteen was a member of the South African Foreign Service for 27 years. Served in the Foreign Ministry’s Namibia Division 1964-1967; S.A. Embassy in Washington D.C. 1968-1973; head of the UN and Namibian division in the Foreign Ministry 1973-1976; Ambassador and Head of Mission at UN, New York, 1976-1981; Head of Planning in the Foreign Ministry 1981-1983; Ambassador in Windhoek 1990-1991; Ambassador at the UN, Geneva, 1992-1995; Ambassador in Ankara 1995-1997 (also accredited to Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan).
He has been the Director-General of the South African Broadcasting Corporation 1993-1988 and a Political Analyst at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange 1988-1990.
From 1998 active as an international consultant and business facilitator. His Permanent Residency status in Namibia since February 2000, direct involvement with the Namibian Independence process for nearly 15 years and assignment as SA’s first Ambassador to Namibia, assure him access to prominent members of the Namibian body politic and business community on national and regional levels and with whom he maintains close personal and working relationships.
Obtained his MA degree (Cum Laude) in Political Science in 1974 from University of South Africa with the thesis entitled: “The Role of the USA Senate in Foreign Affairs”. Ph.D. was awarded by the University of Johannesburg in October 2018 for his thesis with the title: “The Role of the High Courts of the United States of America, South Africa and the European Union in Foreign Affairs”. Authored an article: “Does your company have a foreign policy and the instruments to execute it?”
Springer/Asser Press published his book in July 2019 with the title: “The Role of the Highest Courts of the United States of America and South Africa, and the European Court of Justice in Foreign Affairs”. Published numerous articles on topics related to issues dealt with in his book. Have addressed several international meetings on similar topics.
Riaan is married and resides in Swakopmund, Namibia.