Turkey at 100: Reflecting on a Century of Transformation
International Conference
18-19 November 2023
(Zoom sessions: 2 days/Virtual platform: 5 days)
Thematic Approach
GIRES, the Global Institute for Research Education & Scholarship aims to reflect upon the rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkey and explore its transformative journey since its establishment a century ago.
The conference aims to reflect upon the rich historical and cultural heritage of Turkey and explore its transformative journey since its establishment a century ago. We wish to engage in interdisciplinary discussions, exchange insights, and deepen our understanding of the multifaceted aspects of Turkey’s development over the past century. Also, we aim to explore various aspects, including political, social, economic, cultural, and artistic dimension
GIRES, dedicated to interdisciplinarity, invites a diverse range of participants, including academics, researchers, policymakers, graduate students, and representatives from non-governmental organizations and think-tanks working in related fields to contribute to the discussion and to debate these issues.
Proposed Topics
-The Formation of Modern Turkey: Historical Perspectives
-Socio-Political Transformations in Contemporary Turkey
-Economic Development and Challenges in the 21st Century
-Cultural Identity, Heritage, and Artistic Expressions
-Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Regional and Global Perspectives
-Democratization, Human Rights, and Civil Society
-Gender, Social Inclusion, and Equality in Turkish Society
-Education, Science, and Innovation in Turkey
-Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change Mitigation
-Reflections on the Future: Turkey in the Next Century
Proposed Formats (Lingua franca: English/Possibility for the use of Turkish and Greek languages for panel proposals)
-Individual papers (GIRES will included it in a panel)
-Panels (up to 4 presentations-chaired by one of the presenters or appointed by GIRES)
-Roundtable presentations (chaired by one of the presenters or appointed by GIRES)
-Poster presentations
-Student presentations (one paper presented by up to 3 young scholars)
-Keynote speech (depending on the time availability)
-Pre-recorder presentation (s) (Asynchronous Platform)
-Pre-recorder presentation (s) (Synchronous-live- Sessions: live participation of presenter (s) during the Q&A sessions)
Publication Opportunity
The Organizing Committee and GIRES Press will publish the most powerful and dynamic presentations of the conference and include them
in a collective volume in the form of short articles and/or long essays. For more information please contact us
Live Sessions Recording
All participants have the option to have their presentations recorded (during live sessions) in HD quality. The recordings will be uploaded to GIRES media for unlimited access and dissemination.
Asynchronous Options
All participants have the option to have their presentations (video/audio/text) uploaded to our Virtual Platform. All registered participants will have access to the material for 5 days.
Our proposed topics & formats are not restrictive and we invite additional germane ideas
Due to the restrictions of Corona Crisis our event (for the time being) will take place VIRTUALLY
Date of Conference
GIRES Headquarters(Dutch Time)
18-19 November 2023
Deadline for proposals
20 October 2023
Acceptance notification
3 days after general submission deadline
Collective Volume
(GIRES PRESS)Registration fee
Regular=80 Euros
Students (BA-MA-PhD)= 60 EurosListeners:
Regular=40 Euros
Students (BA-MA-PhD)= 30 EurosAccreditation
Official Certificate issued by GIRES