George Conyne, PhD
George Conyne was born, raised and attended the public schools in Bucks County. He is still a member of Wrightstown Friends Meeting there. He took his undergraduate degree in History with English literature and the History of Religion minors at Haverford in 1979 and his law degree at Tulane University in 1982.
After a judicial clerkship, also in Bucks County, he went to England and took his Ph.D. at Cambridge in 1989. Since then, he taught American History, American Studies, and 20th c. British history in English universities, principally the University of Kent in Canterbury. During 2009-10 he held the post of Visiting Professor in History & Law at Mississippi College.
After too much administration, he retired in 2018. He is member the Corporation of Haverford College and is active in the Society of Friends (Quakers). He is currently writing on various topics of American legal and diplomatic history and on Quakers and the American Civil War.
His hobbies include the art of good conversation, umpiring cricket, understanding foreign and American politics, and travel.